Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Madness

This is a crazy time of year for me... because I make it that way mostly!! :)  This is the time of year when college basketball junkies are in overdrive and the casual fan pays attention mainly to keep track of their office pool or online group bracket standings against their friends.   Either way, its magical!   Today I am about ready to head over to your friendly neighborhood Bdubs and sit for a few hours and watch the opening games, only to follow that with going to the Yoder place aka NCAA headquarters to finish off the evening!   So much fun... 

The more I think about the words March Madness I wonder if its called that for more reasons than basketball... for me this year is ever madening because my wife and I are looking for a place to live as we wait for our home to sell in Chicago... we are expecting a child at the end of April...  it is a crazy time in life and if I take a few moments and think about EVERYTHING going I get super stressed and overwhelmed!!   So much happening all at one time...  this is my opportunity to focus on what all of our focuses should be on every single day and that is Christ!!  He has everything under control... he wont give me more than I can handle and his plan is perfect...   He has plans to prosper my family, bless my family and expand its territory if we follow him with everything we are...   will there be bumps in the way yeah... will we deal with things in life we would rather not deal with... yeah...  In James 1 we are told to consider it pure joy when we go through trials of many kinds... because this develops perseverance in our lives!! 

As you consider the Madness of March know that your heavenly father has you in his hands and that the things you go through however severe are refining who you are in Christ... pursue him with all you have!!